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Does Honey Make Your Erection Hard In Bed?



Before we address your question, let’s give honey the respect it deserves. It is a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Amazing for your health! Plus, it gives you massive energy rise without the crash you get out of sugary junk. If you want to keep your heart healthy (which is the most important factor for good erections), it is your support. A study in the ‘International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health’ shows that honey has antioxidants that reduce inflammation and improve lipid profiles.

Honey is good for health

It is fantastic for health, but it is NOT a magic potion that will turn you into a ‘lion in bed’ overnight. Yes, you need good blood flow and a strong heart to ‘last long’ and ‘finish hard’, and honey might improve that with time. But it is not an ‘instant erection’ mushroom. There is no solid research that claims, ‘Eat the honey and freeze like steel’.


  1. It increase the production of nitric oxide, which helps your blood vessels dilate, which in turn improves blood flow (which might help you jerk it off).
  2. Honey has a ‘special mineral’ called boron, which increases testosterone production in the body. This, in turn, will increase muscle mass and libido.
  3. It has lots of sugars which are potent sources of energy.
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Never buy these fake honey products if you care about your health

There are several reasons you should not. If you already have heart problems or kidney problems, or if you have other medications to take, these drugs can drag you down further. While you think you are slurping some sweet, innocent it, your blood pressure is rising out of nowhere, because you are unknowingly mixing it with other medications in your body, like nitrates. The FDA is exposing them every day, but more products keep popping up like ads because people are desperate and want a quick fix!

Can you use honey as a lubricant?

Using honey as a lubricant ‘down there’ might sound natural and fun, but you don’t want it. It is a bad idea, for men and women alike. Here is everything you need to know about it:

For men:

  • It is thick and sticky. At first, it might be interesting, but it will soon feel uncomfortable. It will not let you have the smooth glide you want, during intimacy.
  • You will end up with it stuck on your ‘thing’, your sheets, and everywhere else. Cleanup will be a challenge.
  • If you have sensitive skin, the sugars in it can cause irritation or even a rash.

For women:

  • It has high sugar levels, which can cause a pH imbalance in the vaginal region. This can cause nasty yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis.
  • The remaining residue will be sticky, and hard to rub off clean.
  • In short, Honey is not designed for slippery games. It is viscous and packed with sugar. If you want natural lube, stick to aloe vera gel. it belongs to the kitchen, so keep it there!


If you have issues in the bedroom, no amount of it can fix it as fast as you want. Nature is patient, and you have to wait. Change your unhealthy lifestyle. Eat healthy, exercise, sleep, and manage your stress. And if it is not enough, just go to a doctor instead of shying away. It’s ok to seek real medical solutions. But regardless, natural it is awesome. It improves your mood, gives you energy, and keeps you healthy. But don’t fall for online scams. Your body will be grateful if you do.


1. Does it make my penis harder?

No. There is no direct correlation. But it only boosts your overall health.

2. Does it increase testosterone?

Honey might, because of its minerals and antioxidants.

3. Can I eat it with Viagra or Erectile Dysfunction medication?

Yes, there are no health hazards for natural honey, but there are health hazards with magic it because you are doubling up on the same drug.

4. Can I rub it to induce erection during masturbation?

It is not a good idea. Because honey is sticky, not slippery.

5. Is there a natural way like it or other natural foods, to give me a lasting erection?

Foods like watermelon and beets can increase blood flow because of nitric oxide, which might improve your erection. But honey is not enough.

6. Does it work like Viagra to improve my erection?

No, Viagra increases blood flow to the penis, which honey doesn’t.

7. Is it a good alternative to commercial sexual enhancers?

No. Commercial enhancers (like lubricants and supplements) are designed to be safe and effective. it is just a good health supplement and energy fixer, not a sexual enhancer.

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